Hip to Hip Styling
Specializing in bikini care with steps that make this a luxurious act of self care rather than a chore.
Little to None
Clearing as much hair as you want - leaving a little bit or going totally bare on your pubic area and anus. If you leave some hair, this waxing service includes styling/shaping and trimming to desired length. High frequency and calming treatment will be customized for you.
Tidy Up
Removing as much hair as you want from the bikini/underwear line, this includes styling - shaping and trimming to desired length. High frequency and calming treatment will be customized for you. Does not include the labia or any of the backside.
Looking and feeling good is very important so there are some extra areas you might want to address in order to have lasting smoothness further from the bikini area. Desire hair off your thighs, legs, butt cheeks or tummy? If so book whatever else you want to add-on with your style as they aren't included. Purchase the Fur Mask for extended calming to take home and reuse.
Butt cheeks
Between the cheeks
Inner Thigh
Belly Trail
Low(er area) Maintenance Add-ons
Post-wax manual ingrown hair extraction treatment 60
(20 min reserved)
Post wax calming & clearing 60
mask and high frequency (20 min reserved)
This signature service is a multi-step individually tailored experience far beyond “a wax”
look together and begin the chat about your intention & pubestyle (if you know!). See intention ideas for how we use the time together below.
light exfoliating cleanse: cleansing oil removed with a warm towel to exfoliate, open pores, protect the skin and prepare for the wax
skilled and careful use of hard wax to create the design you want (or completely bare)
afterward, the calming process begins with cooling therapy
finish with advanced modalities to disinfect, oxygenate, and of course protection
make one selection from below to customize your rite based on where you are on your journey today.
- Ingrown hair treatment: extractions and a custom mask with extra focus on skin care to clear ingrowns and pigment left behind.
- Somatic Sex Education: look, talk & learn more about your body. Coaching practices for embodying ALL of your body, having agency (words & skills,) and the presence to experience a wider range of wondrous pleasures available.
- C-Section/ pelvic scar tissue remediation: Coaching on visual improvement and softening, as well as support for emotions that may be connected to the experience.
Low Maintenance Skin Remedy
Multi step process of advanced exfoliation, extraction, mask & high frequency.
Can be done during times in-between waxing services for skin care concerns.
Best done around 10 days post wax, it is designed for repair work to help with ingrown hairs or hyperpigmentation prevention.
Pube-styling is my thing! Let’s explore style and co-create some art. Your beauty is your own!
Your most intimate parts can be tended to just as much as hairdressers take time to craft a hairstyle. And advanced esthetics can help more than just the face.
I want to offer you the opportunity to explore your own taste-making and tend to yourself both inside and out. The more we have options, learn skills and integrate physical experiences, the more alive and joyful our overall experience in our bodies can be. Each time you visit you’ll have a unique multi-step experience with the intention of holding space for more harmony and range in your personal relationship with your sexual-body.
Wherever you may be in your journey of self-expression, I’ll meet you there to talk about body hair and all the ways to care for it.
Good to Know for All
Your comfort and safety are important!
Please read this & communicate your needs along the way.
- Do you have any food allergies and are you using any prescription medications/topicals? If you are currently using anything that list “sun sensitivity” as a side effect (ie: Retinols, Salicylic acid, AHA /BHA, or other acne treatments) this may preclude you from being waxed if applied to the area within a few days before your wax.
- Come in wearing comfy clothes. Skip the big cup of coffee, please! (Or chai or energy drinks... Caffeine can make you extra sensitive.)
- There will be an in-depth chat before we begin your appointment. Ultimately you know yourself best, so this will be the time to tell me things you would like for me to know about you.
- Ibuprofen can help some people with pain, but it is also a blood thinner making pinpoint bleeding or bruising more likely if taken before hand. I would only use it if you really think it’s what you need. The sensation is a fast pain, over quite quickly and not usually a lingering feeling that lasts after your wax.
- It’s usually ok to get waxed on your cycle or if you’re pregnant, fluctuating hormones just might make you a little more sensitive especially if you’re new to waxing.
- If you have terms you use to refer to parts of your body parts, pronouns, or words which make you feel more or less comfortable please mention or note your preferences.
- I recommend staying out of the sun before and after your wax. Waxing recently burnt skin isn’t an option (as waxing is a form of exfoliation and it could be bad.)
- I’d suggest planning ahead to only a shower for 3-5 days post wax (no hot tub, pool, ocean, lake, bath, or river until it’s completely calm again.) Infection is much more likely if you are submerged in a body of water while it's in repair mode.
Trust your body to do what it needs to do, and let it chill out after your wax.
You’ll have all you need on your skin when you leave. Mostly do very little the day after your wax.
- Bumps: A small percentage of clients are prone to bumps after waxing the bikini area. They tend to subside quickly (usually within a few hours if not sooner). It is difficult to know how your skin will react until you have had your first wax. Little white bumps are usually a sign of infection caused by sweating or touching the skin with unwashed hands, and not from the wax itself
- Sweat: Avoid sweating and partner sex (body fluids have their own microbiome & chemistry) which can cause a breakout as well as any products that contain perfume. Just wait until the follicle has had a chance to heal (24 hours or more depending on your hair and the inflammatory reaction you have.)
- Sunlight Also avoid sunlight (you will burn fast) and bodies of water for 3-5 days after waxing. Showering is fine - just note that soap can be irritating.
- Timing: Get waxed at least 2 days prior to any special occasion to avoid any lingering redness.
- Remember: waxing is a form of exfoliation. If you apply self tanner before your treatment the wax will take the color right off!
It hurts more the first time you get waxed than any other because you are pulling out 100% of the hair, your nerves are on edge, and you don’t know what to expect. Thankfully, it is a quick, temporary sting that stops hurting right away. Follow the tips below and you’ll be fine. The next time is much easier! After your first wax, the hair grows back finer and more sparse, becomes less prickly between waxings, and retains its smoothness much longer.
We know exactly how first-timers feel! It’s okay to be a little apprehensive. The fact is, waxing has been around for centuries; it’s safe, convenient, and effective. You’ll love the smoothness that comes with waxing instead of shaving.

I usually recommend a daily skincare product and twice-a-week exfoliation in the shower. This helps the skin release ingrown hairs and helps discourage microbial imbalances.
I stock a curated range of products which I am happy to educate you about. If you need to replenish your products you can order through the Fur website or buy other things at your next appointment.
For your convenience, Moss Beauty offers secure online booking. If you must cancel or reschedule your appointment, kindly do so online 24 hours before your scheduled appointment to avoid being charged the full fee. If your schedule is unpredictable you can book the day of, when you know you’ll be available.
You must be over 18 years old to book an appointment.
Ready to get the IDEAS flowing?
My little inspo video can help.